Riceviamo un comunicato da Adam Wheeler, riguardante una dichiarazione congiunta di Yamaha Motor Europe e KTM Sport Motorcycles dispiaciuti di fronte al comunicato stampa diramato ieri dalla FMI riguardo la mancata partecipazione del pilota Yamaha Monster Energy Motocross Team, David Philippaerts e del Red Bull KTM, Tony Cairoli, in cui si annuncia la mancata disponibilità dei due piloti a rappresentare la loro Nazione al prossimo Motocross of Nations al Thunder Valley in Colorado il prossimo 26 Settembre.
A tal proposito MxNews.net ha voluto saperne di più e Michele Rinaldi (Team Yamaha) e Pit Beirer (Team KTM) ci hanno concesso il loro tempo per un’intervista in video.
La nostra redazione, già in passato si è schierata con i piloti e con i teams, comprendendo perfettamente le legittime richieste inoltrate alla FMI, questa volta, da spazio ai diretti interessati affinche spieghino direttamente ai tifosi italiani, perché i due beniamini non saranno al Nazioni 2010.
Questo il testo del comunicato, il video riassume e dice molto sulla reale situazione.
“Yamaha Motor Europe and KTM Sport Motorcycles were disappointed to learn of the press release on Saturday 7th August by the Italian Motorcycle Federation (FMI) revealing that Yamaha Monster Energy Motocross Team’s David Philippaerts and Red Bull KTM’s Tony Cairoli have been unable to be considered for the final selection for the Italian team due to certain conditions to represent their country in the 2010 Motocross of Nations at Thunder Valley in Colorado on September 26th.
After discussions with the Italian Federation, in which Yamaha Motor Europe and KTM Sport Motorcycles were willing and fully open for negotiation regarding representation on the official Italian team jersey, we were disappointed to learn that 2008 MX1-GP World Champion Philippaerts and reigning MX1-GP World Champion Cairoli (presently 3rd and 1st in the 2010 standings respectively) were eliminated from the final short-list. We would like to clarify that both riders are available but the condition of the FMI that there will be no space allowed at all for the manufacturer or its sponsors on the front of jersey is not acceptable to both Yamaha and KTM. The FMI was only prepared to open two tiny spaces on the sleeve of each jersey and despite several efforts from Yamaha and KTM a compromise for a frontal space was not reached. Yamaha and KTM had already accepted for the FMI to decide the base colour and to add their own sponsors on the jersey, if not in conflict with existing team partners.
Discussions of this nature are not unusual for the Motocross of Nations with many riders, teams, brands and companies represented by the three best riders from each country around the globe coming together under one umbrella. For virtually all other teams a compromise as proposed by Yamaha and KTM is considered very much acceptable for all parties involved. Other countries allow the riders to use their regular GP clothing without or virtually without any modification.
Manufacturers and title sponsors/partners finance a whole season of international and national racing activities up to and including the Motocross of Nations this includes staff, infrastructure, technical support and development, all at considerable cost. In our opinion visible manufacturer and sponsor branding is a necessary requirement to allow top athletes to continue to represent their teams and importantly shine and bring positive attention for their respective nationalities at the very highest level.
Yamaha and KTM sincerely regret that both riders will seemingly not be able to enter the Motocross of Nations for
Yamaha Motor Europe N.V. & KTM Sport Motorcycles.”
MxNews, si è sempre schierato per lo sport e contro la politica, ed ogni anno percepisce il problema “maglia” con molto anticipo, lo segnala, ma puntualmente poi sembra che sia sempre tutto a posto e che il nostro staff faccia uso di allucinogeni… Così questa volta non riportiamo testi o interviste poco probabili, ma abbiamo chiesto a Michele Rinaldi e Pit Beirer di spiegare con le loro parole ed in video, il loro punto di vista. Un grazie a Michele e Pit per la fiducia concessaci per un argomento abbastanza scottante come questo: si tratta di lasciare a casa Tony (riteniamo che sia uno dei piloti più forti al mondo, se non il più forte) e DP19 che se apre il gas come al Nazioni 2009 ci fa sobbalzare. A voi le conclusioni.
Scusateci per la cattiva qualità delle immagini, ma abbiamo incontrato grosse difficoltà a caricare il video: in questo caso, come si dice, contano le parole!